Reviews . . .

Avah Broc began her working career as a teacher and branched out into writing children’s fiction fifteen years ago. She is now writing young adult medieval fantasy. Her writing expertise is attributed to holding a master’s degree and the many years she spent working with literature and writing fictional stories.

by my so appreciated readers

Connie Johnson

“Raja and the Throne of Zurkia” a captivating story interwoven with adventure and mystery. So beautifully written by Avah Broc that I felt I was actually alongside the main character, Raja, while she embarked on a life-changing journey filled with intrigue, courage, hope and faith. I could not put the book down and am excitedly awaiting for the next book.”

Danielle Corbin

Raja and the Throne of Zurkia” is a powerfully written story filled with excitement and intrigue as well as positive lessons of redemption and morality. Avah Broc has done a masterful job of weaving together a tale that will come alive to the reader. This book is beautifully imagined and will appeal to a broad audience — I highly recommend it!” 

Merina Matthew

I’ve read the book, “Raja and the Throne of Zurkia”, twice now and each time I cannot put it down till I’ve finished reading it. The heroine is likeable and catches the attention of the reader. I want to know what is going to happen next to her. I really have a hard time waiting for the next book in the series as I want to know what will happen to her.

Nina Dodds

Raja and the Throne of Zurkia” is intriguing and unpredictable!!
I love how the author, Avah Broc, was able to take me on a
fantasy journey with many surprises along the way. My interest
and curiosity was continually spiked….couldn’t put the book
down!!!! Love and kindness won!!!

Kathy McKekenzie

“My 13-year-old great-niece was absolutely enthralled with “Raja and the Throne of Zurkia” by Ava Broc. I, too, thoroughly enjoyed the interaction of the characters and the twists and turns of the story. We can’t wait to see what happens in the second book!”

“As Raja evades assassination attempts and escapes kidnappers, she transforms into a formidable woman of strength, beauty, and valor. Broc’s descriptions of the medieval settings and atmosphere are detailed and colorful, and she also gets across the bleakness of life as a peasant in a feudal system: “It was fear that motivated them—fear of not producing enough for their lord, fear of the future for their family. Their lives were not their own.”

Kirkus Reviews

RousseThe Land

The Land of Rousse